Thursday, January 29, 2015


This semester I am finishing some of my general ed classes for transferring and the art class I chose was Photography 120. So I am working with how to take good pictures, so far I love it and thought I would share a picture with you! These are just fun pictures I have been taking to get to know the camera I am using which is a Cannon T3i.

This is my friends doggy sulley :)

Im on my way to go take more! I will try to post as many as I can for y'all

x Be Blonde Be Beautiful x

Monday, January 26, 2015

They Can Sense It

So this last week was the first actual week of school and I am keeping up well between the reading and writing notes in every class that I have. You know for college classes they say that for ever hour of class you spend you should spend 2 hours studying for that class, sounds easy enough right. Well it isn't! Thankfully you have all these other outgoing kids in your class to study with *sarcasm*, in the end your on your own honestly. However, recently I have noticed a strange occurrence in my life and it honestly has nothing to do with the studying. So since my amazingly loving boyfriend and best friend of a little over a year moved down to Apple Valley, 448 miles from me, I have been alone here. With the exception of my friend and fellow blogger Finally Freckled I haven't hung out with many other people especially from school. Now a LDR (Long Distance Relationship) does a few things when you love the other person very much the main two are that you feel alone and you feel vulnerable.

Now I kid you not that I'm serious about what I say next. THE MALE GENDER CAN SENSE YOUR VULNERABILITY! I'm not kidding I swear there must be a giant yellow sign on my back that says "This one right here, she's sad and missing her man so now is the time to STRIKE!" If there any guys out there please feel free to correct me. The only conundrum I have with this is what I think is something every girl has which is that its never when you are single. For example; about a month before my current long term man was in the picture I had no guys interested, there was literally zero men who would even flirt with me. But now, now is a whole another story! After being in a relationship for longer than a year I still have men asking me out, constantly. This week alone the numbers are reaching the double digits, so maybe its the sadness of missing him, or maybe they sense I am weak but all I know is I won't ever understand men. 

I miss him but the countdown is on because I'll be driving down to him to see him for valentines day weekend. So worth it.

x Be Blonde Be Beautiful x

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Books, Books, Books

We all know how it goes at the beginning of the year you go to all your classes then you get the books. Once you have the books then you have to start the reading and the notes then next thing you know you have a pile of homework and no life! Because of this I will probably only be posting every once in a while.

If it makes you feel better look at all these books I have to read, notate, and answer hundreds of in book questions. Enjoy your freedom internet friends!

x Be Blonde Be Beautiful x

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Magic Stuff

Today I bought a jar of magic! Ok, you got me, it isn't really magic its coconut oil. The only reason I call it a "jar of magic" is there are so many things that you can do with just one type of oil. The best part is if you look it up online there are hundreds of ways to use coconut oil like food, beauty, and even weight loss. Now I had read about this new "craze" of using coconut oil for basically everything from hair treatments to eating it by the spoonful. It has been proven that the eating of coconut oil daily helps with loosing water weight, clears your skin, boosts the metabolism, and supports healthy thyroid function. Here are a few things that I do with my coconut oil:

-Oil Pulling: Swish around some of the oil in your mouth for 10-20 mins while you get ready to clear out toxins in the body, whiten teeth, and reduce plaque. After the 10-20 mins spit out in the trash (not down the drain because it will block the pipes) and rinse with salt water. Then you can brush your teeth and floss like you normally do and continue on with the day!

-Butter Replacement: Need butter for your pan, toast, maybe even recipes...replace it with coconut oil! It tastes amazing and is %100 better for you.

-DIY Cellulite Coffee Scrub: Personally I have only used my oil for a body and lip scrub but it is amazing especially with this recipe for getting rid of cellulite it is so moisturizing and works great on stretch marks! Here is the Coffee and Coconut Oil Scrub I have been using that I love.

x Be Blonde Be Beautiful x

Friday, January 16, 2015

A Girls Daily Struggle

We have all been there ladies. The small bump that you see and then the horror of knowing the next day there will be this big red sign on your face screaming at the world "LOOK HERE, LOOK AT HER IMPERFECTIONS!" I have struggled with my skin my whole life and I know for a fact I am not alone. It was hard growing up because I was teased and tormented over the scars and marks on my face which never went away. At one point I even went as far as putting bandaids on the marks just to hide them! It was sad that that is what it had come to and when my junior year arrived fast and furious I said enough is enough. I was confident in my body and skin and it helped myself, however, I cant say I just forgot about it I only pushed it to the back of my mind. This was my face on what I like to call a "Perfect day."

Now being confident is great and all but it doesn't fix the blemishes, blackheads, scabs, and redness of your skin. So a few months ago I started getting serious about my skin. I wash my face twice a day with a hydrating cleanser and right after apply a toner and an oil free moisturizer. It was doing WONDERS for my skin but I knew it wasn't cleaning deep enough when I started to see I still had plenty of problems with blemishes. My automatic reaction was to just give up I felt like it was impossible for me to get my skin to a better place. That is when I went online and did some research of what I could do as my last step. That's when I found the Clarisonic. Its only day 2 and I already have cleaner clearer skin, yes I know its one of those "popular products" and people say "it doesnt actually work." But this time I took a chance and went with the crowd. Here's to hoping for my skin and confidence it pays of *crosses fingers*.

                                                          x Be Blonde Be Beautiful x

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Change and Chaos

It happens all the time you look at your room and it hits, that thought of "THERE IS SOMETHING I CAN DO TO MAKE IT BETTER!" It hits me once every maybe 3 or 4 months one minute I'm sitting on my bed on Pinterest and the next I am scouring the planet for supplies of the ridiculous sort. So almost 2 months ago I change everything, of course! I hang a huge mirror get all those sparkly lights to hang everywhere (like all the pictures) and get rid of everything practical so that its like a catalog. I feel great about it...until 2 weeks go by and I realize "why am i squinting? why is everything on the floor? where did I put what was on the bookcase that held everything and I got rid of cause it was taking up all the room?"

Here I am 2 months later ripping out my hair and stepping over everything that was on my bookcases! HOW DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF?! WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF?! So now I walk around passive aggressively avoiding all the crap on my floor and honestly crying to myself on the inside. So here is some advice from me too you; PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! Draw it out if you have to. But most importantly remember my #1 rule.

#1 Rule: Everything in your room needs to have a spot. Do not, absolutely do not get rid of things that hold possessions without having a new spot for them already planned.

Here's why....

What might have been in a place before will now end up on the floor then before you know it it will be covered by clothes and misc. and end up looking like this.

Plan first, even if it means drawing a rough floor plan with graph paper. Clean, make sure everything is put away and if you move stuff vacuum. This helps transferring all your items and making sure you have a home for everything before you do the final big moves. Finalize, I cannot make this clear enough! Once you have started you DO NOT STOP! If you stop in the middle of the big things it will never get finished. Push on through and finish that move as soon as possible and put all your things in their places. Then celebrate with a nice cup of tea!

x Be Blonde Be Beautiful x

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Long Distance: A Countdown

1 year, 2 months, and 16 days ago the most amazing man of my life asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. In the moment I had no idea that this would be the most life changing decision of my life in so many more ways than one. In all honesty I haven't even once in my life considered loving someone in the way you see in the movies and books. I never thought one man could make me feel this way and of course this revelation hit me at the worst time possible. After knowing him for 3 years and falling in love with him more than I had ever know was possible he took me on what I thought was a simple walk through the park. I hadn't told him I loved him at this point and I thought this would be when he would tell me those 3 words. 

Here I am in love with this man and waiting for him to tell me what I already know he must feel also. The news I got was so different I couldn't help but sob he kissed me and told me he might have to move with his family 450 miles away and here I just admitted to myself for the first time I loved someone. A year later he was still here and I was so happy I never thought I could feel this way. Well I guess sometimes fate (if you believe in it) has other ideas. Sure enough on the 20th of December he moved 448 miles from me. I know your tired of hearing the love story so here is my first post!

Long Distance: A Countdown

The saying is so common it hurts honestly "distance makes the heart grow fonder" sorry for all the readers out there but I am calling BULLSHIT! 3 weeks into this whole distance I really want to just cry all the time and I have never wanted to just be held by him so bad. So I have taken up some classic Pinterest activities under the "long distance" activities. Here are my top 4 ways to countdown the day till I see my love again.

1. A kiss a day. Its a great way to have not only a little sweet treat but also be excited when there are less and less in the jar! 

2. Photograph your life. Take pictures of the little things its what he loves the most, take pictures of funny things you see even the beautiful things. He wants to see them trust me and it will make you and him happy. Something silly or something you know he might miss about you maybe two of his favorite things. For example here's me and a puppy (his two favorite things)!!

3.Write a letter. Trust me guys your man loves reading your letters. They are personal and sometimes there are even extras you can add. Maybe you slip in one of the pictures you took of your day to day activities, spray your perfume on it, or add a kiss with some lipstick on. Personally mine saves them all, every little note. 

4. Talk on the phone!!!! We talk to each other once a day everyday it helps even if its the same "what did you do today? how are you?" The little things always count and hearing his voice makes me happy and him hearing my voice makes him happy.

x Be Blonde Be Beautiful x