Today I bought a jar of magic! Ok, you got me, it isn't really magic its coconut oil. The only reason I call it a "jar of magic" is there are so many things that you can do with just one type of oil. The best part is if you look it up online there are hundreds of ways to use coconut oil like food, beauty, and even weight loss. Now I had read about this new "craze" of using coconut oil for basically everything from hair treatments to eating it by the spoonful. It has been proven that the eating of coconut oil daily helps with loosing water weight, clears your skin, boosts the metabolism, and supports healthy thyroid function. Here are a few things that I do with my coconut oil:
-Oil Pulling: Swish around some of the oil in your mouth for 10-20 mins while you get ready to clear out toxins in the body, whiten teeth, and reduce plaque. After the 10-20 mins spit out in the trash (not down the drain because it will block the pipes) and rinse with salt water. Then you can brush your teeth and floss like you normally do and continue on with the day!
-Butter Replacement: Need butter for your pan, toast, maybe even recipes...replace it with coconut oil! It tastes amazing and is %100 better for you.
-DIY Cellulite Coffee Scrub: Personally I have only used my oil for a body and lip scrub but it is amazing especially with this recipe for getting rid of cellulite it is so moisturizing and works great on stretch marks! Here is the Coffee and Coconut Oil Scrub I have been using that I love.
x Be Blonde Be Beautiful x
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