I am so sorry I didn't post yesterday as promised about my experience with getting my nipples pierced. First of all I went with my best friend Tatiana because she and I are so close and I was way to scared to go alone!!!
We get there 15 mins early. Now I know your thinking "wouldn't that make you more nervous" surprisingly it helped so much being there just breathing and getting prepared mentally. When my piercer arrived she was so young and welcoming and she made sure to make me as comfortable as possible we talked for a bit till we finally get to the nitty gritty business of it.
The first part of the process was the easiest! Its where you choose where you want the piercing to go so you stand in front of a mirror and she takes a pen and puts two dots on both sides of each of your nipples. It is SOOOOOOOO important that you voice you opinion here guys, If you want a dot higher or lower than you gotta say so! Unfortunately this is the point where you reach the hard part. You sit in a chair and she used a pair of clamps to make the dots line up and to pull up my nipples and she puts the needle through you! Now, I have read many stories and did so much research about which one hurts more the first or the second. Some of them were lucky and had two piercers so they could do both at once but for me it was the gruesome one at a time. The first one I had done was the right side and I thought it hurt maybe a 7/10 and figured that it wasn't so bad. I was so wrong because he second one on the left hurt so much worse, like at least a 9/10 but I still pulled through!
In the end I had to lay back in the chair for about 5 mins because I got dizzy and thought I was going to pass out. But my piercer got me some water and let me sniff an alcohol pad and I was good to go in 5 mins. After it was straight to Tatiana's (my friend from Finally Freckled) house and we laid there I took a bunch of tylenol and she gave me ice for my boobies. We watched movies and relaxed all day long!
In the end even the weakest of us can endure the worst pain for a few seconds for things we want.
x Be Blonde Be Beautiful x
You took it like a champ! They look great!